Chiapas Support Committee

Category: Neoliberalism

El sur resiste | The south resists: Gathering on the Zapatista & Indigenous struggles against mega-projects

El sur resiste | The south resists Updates on the Zapatista movement & land justice struggles in México: On the CNI campaign to stop the “Maya Train” & Inter-Oceanic Corridor An Evening of Solidarity, Poetry & Zapatismo At Medicine for…

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“Sembrando Vida”: Counter-insurgency, neoliberalism and clientelism

Folks in Chiapas say that this federal anti-poverty program is actually a counterinsurgency program that divides communities. By: Aldo Santiago While Andrés Manuel López Obrador tours the various countries of Central America to promote the extension of governmental assistance programs…

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Second Call to the Caravan and International Gathering the South Resists! 2023

To the peoples in resistance and rebellion of the South-Southeast of Mexico To national and international organizations of struggle below and to the left To the world’s human rights organizations To free, alternative or whatever media are called After meeting…

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El Sur Resiste: A call to stop the capitalist mega-projects

A call to organize delegations and participate in El Sur Resiste International Gathering May 6-7, 2023 at the CIDECI/Caracol Jacinto Canek | San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas March 2023 Dear compañerxs: We are inviting you and your collectives and…

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Peru, the language of the street

By: Luis Hernández Navarro The street is talking in Peru. And it does so loudly. From the farthest and deepest corners of its geography to the megacity of Lima, it cries out for the closure of Congress, for new general…

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From Ricardo Flores Magón to Julian Assange II

By Carlos Fazio Released in October 1903 and unable to continue his organizing and campaigning in Mexico, Ricardo Flores Magón went into exile in Laredo, Texas, and then to St. Louis, Missouri, a refuge for anarchist and Marxist dissidents and…

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The Peruvian oligarchy overthrew President Castillo

By: Manolo De Los Santos* June 6, 2021 was a date that shocked many in the Peruvian oligarchy. Pedro Castillo Terrones, a rural teacher who had never been elected to public office, won the second round of the presidential election…

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Argentina: the real face of the right

A La Jornada Editorial An Argentine court sentenced Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to six years in prison and disqualified her “in perpetuity” from holding public office in a case of defrauding the State for the alleged irregular award…

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Chiapas and the Zapatistas face a dramatic increase in violence II

By: Mary Ann Tenuto-Sánchez | Part 2 of 2 Part 1 of this article began to expose factors that contribute to the dramatic increase in violence in Chiapas: 1) counterinsurgency (the government’s “low-intensity war” against the Zapatistas) and 2) two…

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Militarized security

By: Raúl Romero The presidential initiative to incorporate the National Guard into the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena, its Spanish acronym) has generated an intense debate. Given the lack of a project that convinces big social sectors, the alliance of…

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