Chiapas Support Committee

Category: Neoliberalism

The insurrection in Chile and Mapuche dispossession

By: Edgars Martínez* The so-called paradise of neoliberalism in Latin America burns in flames since 10 days ago. These are times of convulsions on a global scale and the ones causing such symptoms are the oppressed of Ecuador, Haiti, Honduras,…

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A great disorder under the skies

By: Raúl Zibechi The increase in the cost of bus fare in Santiago, Chile was 30 pesos (720 pesos equal one dollar), raising the cost to 830 pesos. It’s evident that the popular reaction was not because of the $0.04…

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The strength of the insurrection in Ecuador

By: R. Aída Hernández and Juan Illicachi* On October 13, after 12 days of social mobilizations, the government of the President de Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, repealed Decree 883, known as the big package, which eliminated the subsidy for gasoline and…

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The turns of neoliberalism

By: Raúl Zibechi The crisis of critical thinking; in other words, our way of comprehending the world so we can act to transform it, has led analysts to multiply not very precise concepts that tend to be more descriptive than…

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Conservatism and the anticapitalist left

By: Gilberto López y Rivas Given the repeated use of the terms “conservative” or “conservatism” to identify the anticapitalist left, branded as “radical” by opinion writers that boldly defend the current government, it’s necessary specify their multiple meanings, which today…

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Farewell to neoliberalism?

By: Raúl Romero* Neoliberalism is a phase of capitalist social organization which, in a very general way, can be characterized by 1) the destruction or contraction of the social State; 2) the deregulation and expansion of the financial sector; 3)…

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